Glossary - E
Click on letter to jump to the list of terms starting with that letter. Click on a term to jump to the full definition. The excerpts on this page show the first line of each definition.
- E.A.A. — Engineer in Aeronautics and Astronautics (degree)
- E.B. — Employee Benefits
- E.E. — Electrical Engineer (degree)
- E.G.D. — Doctor of Engineering (degree)
- EACUBO — Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers
- EAG — Enterprise Architecture Guide
- EAPs — Electroactive Polymers
- EAPS (Department) — (Department of) Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
- EAR — Export Administration Regulations
- EC — Educational Council and/or Educational Counselor
- EC3 — Enhancing Client Communication Competencies
- EC (Dormitory) — East Campus dormitory of MIT
- eCat — Electronic Catalog (for ordering supplies from MIT partner vendors)
- E-Center — MIT Entrepreneurship Center
- E-Club — MIT Entrepreneurs Club
- ECRIM — European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
- ECSEC — a level of access granted to MIT ID. ECSEC is a general doors clearance that most cards are given and general purpose card readers on MIT doors checking for valid IDs will accept.
- ECSEL — Engineering Coalition of Schools for Excellence in Education and Leadership
- e-DACCA — electronic Distribution by Account, (a monthly consolidated salary expense report)
- eduroam — A secure, worldwide WiFi roaming service developed for the research and education community.
- EECS — (Department of) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- EEF — Energy and Environmental Finance Club
- EEO — Equal Employment Opportunity (or Officer)
- EEWRC — Energy, Environment and Water Research Center at the Cyprus Institute (partnership with MIT)
- EG&G — Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier
- EHS — Environmental Health and Safety (Office)
- EHSS — Environmental Health and Safety Seminar
- EIP — Engineering Internship Program
- EIT — Engineer in Training exam (also known as the Fundamentals of Engineering exam)
- E-Lab — Energy Laboratory (old). New name is Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
- — the host name of MIT's emergency web site. This site is replicated at
- — the host name of MIT's emergency web site. This site is replicated at
- eMIT — MIT entrepreneurship portal (student run)
- EMO — Environmental Management Office
- EMS — Environmental Medical Service
- EMS (Experimental Music Studio) — Founded by Professor Barry Vercoe in 1973
- Encryption — Encryption makes your information readable only with a key or passcode. Password protection, while useful, is not as secure as encryption. Encryption can be enabled on a computer using software applications such as BitLocker or FileVault.
- Endpoint — A computer device such as a desktop workstation, mobile phone, tablet, or laptop.
- Env.E. — Environmental Engineer (degree)
- EOC — Equal Opportunity Committee
- EPCs — Emergency Preparedness Coordinators
- EPG — Environmental Policy Group (also known as the Environmental Policy and Planning Group)
- EPO — Environmental Programs Office
- EPS — Electronic Proposal System
- EPSCO — Former name of Buildings N51 and N52
- EPSEL — Electric Power Systems Engineering Laboratory
- EPTF — Environmental Programs Task Force
- Equivalent Full-Time — Equivalent Full-Time
- ERC — Energy Research Council
- ERISA — Employee Retirement Income Security Act
- ERL — Earth Resources Laboratory
- ES&C — Engineering Systems and Computation
- ESCRO — Embryonic stem cell research (committees)
- ESD — Engineering Systems Division
- ESG — Experimental Study Group
- ESI — Earth System Initiative
- ESL — English as a Second Language
- ESL (Laboratory) — Electronic Systems Laboratory
- ESLC — Engineering Systems Learning Center
- ESP — Educational Studies Program
- ESS — Employee Self-Service
- ESSP — Earth System Science Pathfinder (a NASA program)
- ET — Epsilon Theta
- Ethernet — Ethernet is a standard for connecting computers into a local area network (LAN).
- Ethernet Adapter Card (Network Interface Card, pcmcia Card) — A network interface card, sometimes built in to a computer, or inserted into a PCMCIA slot.
- Ethernet Drop — A wall or floor outlet, often associated with a telephone jack, into which you can plug a network cable and thus physically connect a computer to the network. At MIT, this requires registering for DHCP.
- ETS — Educational Testing Service
- EURAB — European Research Advisory Board
- EVP — Executive Vice President
- EVPT — Executive Vice President and Treasurer
- EVR — Educational Video Resources
- Exchange — Exchange is a former integrated email and calendaring service offered by IS&T.