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Data and Reporting Services - BrioQuery Guide


BrioQuery is the report generator used at MIT by most Data Warehouse users to report on information from the warehouse. BrioQuery is made up of five different sections:

  • query - where the query is built
  • results - where results are displayed after processing
  • pivot - which can present data in a spreadsheet style format
  • chart - which permits you to view data in line, bar, pie, and other types of graphical charts
  • report - a formatted report with more flexible layout options than the Pivot.

All sections except the Query section can be printed or exported for use with other applications.

BrioQuery is a desktop application that can run on your desktop, through Citrix or within a VM. It works with Oracle, which is the application that communicates with the warehouse server. Oracle provides a secure network connection and encryption to protect your data.
Data Warehouse users may wish to refer to our glossary to get definitions for new or unfamiliar terms.


BrioQuery and Excel


  • [hd:Printing options for BrioQuery via Citrix]


Oracle Error Messages

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Last Modified:

June 30, 2020

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