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MIT Events Calendar Landing Page

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Access the Events Calendar


MIT has partnered with Localist, a leader in interactive calendar software to create an upgraded events calendar. The calendar has many great features for both an event creator and those looking to attend events.

  • An enhanced and mobile-responsive user interface.
  • MIT community members can create a profile page, which allows you to set notifications and email reminders.
  • Search for events with filters by interest, audience or school.
  • Event creators will be able to include a photo and/or video for their events to attract attendees.
  • The ability to see who is interested in your event or your group.
  • Share events directly from the calendar through social media.
  • Fully responsive design functions on a wide range of platforms including mobile devices.

For an overview of the new MIT Events Calendar, see our interactive video tutorial!

Logging in

Who can Login to the MIT Events Calendar?

Anyone can register for an account and login to the MIT Events Calendar. Logging in will allow you to follow departments, groups, and venues; express your interest for events, and friend other MIT Events Calendar users.

MIT Faculty, Staff, Students, and Affiliates

Anyone with an MIT user account can login through Touchstone Authentication. We recommend you do this before logging in with any of the social media options. Once you have created your profile in the MIT Events Calendar, you can, if you choose, link your social profiles. After you do so, you can use any available login method and it will map to the same user profile in the MIT Events Calendar.

MIT Alums

At the moment, MIT Alums can login using their Google account, or social media (Twitter, Facebook) account.

The Events Calendar team is working with the MIT Alumni Association to integrate with MIT Infinite Connection authentication to allow Alums to login using their Infinite Connection credentials.

Non-MIT Users

Non-MIT users can access the calendar and manage a profile through their Google and social media accounts.

How to Use

View the elearning site for the Event Calendar, or browse the topics below for written instructions.

Using the Events Calendar


Your User Profile

Group and DLC Pages

Managing Events & Group Pages

Authorized officers from a group or department can post events. Contact the MIT Events Calendar team at to request access.

Event Management

Event Promotion

Event Interest, Ticketing and Metrics

Managing Groups and DLCs (Departments, Labs and Centers)

Best Practices

  • When you create an event, select your DLC/group name from the drop-down filter on the event form. Although this filter is not a required field, leaving it blank means that only you will have access to edit/copy/delete--registered colleagues from your DLC/group who will not. Further, including this filter allows front-end users to easily see who's sponsoring the event.
  • When you copy an event or post an event that occurs on multiple dates, be sure to select the 'Verified' box. If you don't select the box, copied event(s) or events with multiple dates will be sent to the calendar pending queue. You'll then be contacted by the calendar team to confirm the posting, resulting in a delay in your listing being made public. Note: For events with multiple dates, you'll need to save the event once before the verified box will appear. When it does, select the box and save again.
  • When adding a location, begin by typing the word 'Building' versus simply typing a number. This will prompt the pre-populated list of MIT locations to appear. You can then select the correct location and, if applicable, add the room number in the field below. Using this method will also correctly populate the Google Map on your listing.
  • For ticketed events, include the cost and the ticketing site URL on the event form. For Eventbrite ticketing, enter only the number at the end of the Eventbrite listing URL. Note: RSVPs from Eventbrite will display as "people interested" on the calendar listing. 
  • For draft event listings, select Unlisted from the visibility drop-down menu. Unlisted events will not appear on the calendar and are only viewable if the URL is shared. When the event is ready to go live, simply change visibility to public and save. More
  • Use event filters: Adding filters will aid those browsing the calendar by type, interest, audience, school, or department in finding your event.
  • Use tags to easily group similar events: Tags are used for grouping similar events outside of filters. For example, you could create a tag for an event series 'JugglingConference2017'. Include this tag for all of the conference events to make it easier for users to find related postings. More
  • Include an event photo with your listing: Don't have an image to include? We've created a library of generic MIT images. Click 'Choose from Photos' on the event form to see all available photos.

For Administrators


Have Questions or Still Need Help?

Additional escalation information for Help Staff can be found here:[hd:MIT Events Calendar Recon Page]

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 19, 2025

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