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MIT Events Calendar - Register a Student Group, Organization or DLC

MIT Student Groups, Other Groups/Organizations or DLCIs must be listed in the calendar to post events. In order to add your group, organization or DLCI to the calendar, please register based on the category that describes your DLCI or Group:


  • Select this category if you're responsible for posting events for an entire department, lab or center.
     Note: Department subgroups(i.e. a committee or initiative within a DLCI) should sign up using the Other Group/Organization category.
  • Proceed to the sign-up form

Student Group

Other Group/Organization

  • Register using this category if:
    • You're not posting events for a DLCI.
    • If your group or organization is not recognized by the MIT Association of Student Activities.
  • Proceed to the sign-up form

The Events Calendar Team will inform you when your group, organization or DLCI is available in the calendar.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

September 03, 2024

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  1. Dec 14, 2021

    The "complete this form" link in the first paragraph appears to be broken. However, the sign-up forms under each heading work properly.

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