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MIT Events Calendar - Importing Events

The Bulk Uploading feature allows you to build an Excel (.xls) or CSV (.csv) spreadsheet and upload all events at once. Only Event Administrators can post events to the calendar.

In order to bulk add events into the calendar, please download this spreadsheet: Bulk Add Events.csv and use it as a template. Then send your import request explaining the need to bulk add events with spreadsheet attached to the MIT Events Calendar Team at

Note: If rich text is included, it will be imported and displayed as plain text in the calendar.

Bulk Add Events Spreadsheet

See details about how to complete the spreadsheet.

Title and Description

  • Name is a required field and will display as the event name on the event landing page.
  • Description has no character limit. You can embed media content and include URLs such as a Facebook event page.

Date From and Date To

  • Date From (Start Date) is a required field and can be entered in different ways such as Tomorrow, 7/17/17, August 1, Sept. 1 and etc..
  • Date entered will be listed under Confirmed Dates.
  • Date To (End Date) is an optional field.


  • Indicate if event is recurring by entering Su,M,T,W,Th,F,Sa.
  • Need to set a date in the Date To field.

Start Time and End Time

  • If there is an End Time, then there should be a Start Time.


  • Event place must match exactly to a place landing page in the calendar.

Address, City, State

  • Only necessary if your event place doesn't match a place landing page in the calendar. This is a custom location.


  • Room can be words or numbers.

Keywords and Tags

  • Keywords are not displayed publicly. Use keywords for common misspellings or as a filter parameter in widgets. Separate by comma.
  • Tags are displayed on the event landing page. They are used for grouping similar events outside of filters. Separate by comma.

Photo URL

  • Event photo should be PNG or JPG format.
  • A generic MIT photo will appear for events that do not have an image.


  • If there is a Ticket Cost and Ticket URL provided, then a Buy Tickets button will appear on the event landing page.
  • If the event is free then leave Ticket Cost blank or enter “Free.”
  • No cost or free with a Ticket URL, then a Register button will appear on the event landing page.
  • Eventbrite ID can be added after the event has posted to the calendar.

Twitter Hashtag

  • Do not include the hashtag as it will be added automatically.

Facebook URL

  • Link to a Facebook event page to pull the attendee RSVPs into the calendar and display them as "People Interested" for the event.

Group or Department

  • MIT group must match exactly to a group landing page in the calendar.
  • MIT DLC group must match exactly to a department landing page in the calendar.

Allow User Activity

  • Allow user feedback. Enter Yes to allow or No to not allow.

Allow User Attendance

  • Allow user interest. Enter Yes to allow or No to not allow.


  • Set event visibility options to decide if your event will be visible to everyone, only to users who are logged in or hidden. Indicate Public, Unlisted or Restricted.
  • Based on the visibility selection, you can exclude your event from trending, only display on the place landing page, set it only visible for widgets, display only on a channel or users who are logged in can view the event. Indicate Yes to allow or No to not allow.

Event Types, Events By Interest, Events By Audience, Events By School

  • Filters must match exactly to what is listed in the calendar.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 09, 2017

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