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Accessing the old (legacy) events calendar on

There are several reasons you might want to access your old events in the legacy events calendar on Here are a few we are aware of:

  • Didn't get a chance to export events before the transition to the new MIT Events Calendar
  • Are embedding the old calendar, perhaps with theming, in your own web site and have not updated to using the new embedding feature
  • Have a custom API integration that has not yet transitioned to the new API on and need to add an event to the old calendar

The legacy calendar will remain up for approximately one year, through summer 2018, while departments and groups complete their transition. Since the top-level page redirects to the new MIT Events Calendar calendar, you will want to use a direct link to access the old events calendar as an event administrator. Use the link below to jump directly to the old event creation page on

We encourage you to transition to the new MIT Events Calendar at as quickly as possible, since all public visitors will go there to find MIT events. If you would like assistance transitioning to the new MIT Events Calendar, please contact the MIT Events Calendar Team at

Legacy Instructions of Key Migration Tasks

The below articles are in the archive space of the Knowledge Base. You'll get a warning dialog when you access them. However, they do come in handy for doing an export from the legacy Events Calendar, and finding your old events in the legacy calendar.

See also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 18, 2017

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