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MIT Events Calendar - Add an event

Event Administrators can only add events to the calendar. You must be a group or department officer for a sponsored MIT Student Group, Other Groups/Organization or DLC. If you need to register your group, please see further information on how to Register a Student Group, Organization or DLC. If you need to be granted permission to create events, then send your request to the MIT Events Calendar Team at

Guidelines for posting events on the MIT Events Calendar

  • Events posted to the Calendar should be in-person, hybrid, or virtual gatherings, meetings, or occasions, as the purpose of the MIT Events Calendar is to serve as a resource for MIT community engagement.
  • Enrollment periods and similar announcements, such as application deadlines and appointment scheduling, are not considered events and will be flagged for removal (event administrators will be notified first by a member of the calendar team).
  • For-credit and/or tuition-based programs, courses, sessions, and certifications are not events, whether online or in person, and will be flagged for removal (event administrators will be notified first by a member of the calendar team). Not applicable to IAP listings.

Add Event
Step 1: Login to the Events Calendar and on the homepage, click on your user profile icon. Then click Calendar Admin, which will bring you to the Admin Dashboard view.

In the admin view, go to the Events section and click Add Event.

Step 2: Complete the event information. See details about each section in the Add Event form.

Title and Description

  • Name is a required field and will display as the event name on the event landing page.
  • Description has no character limit. You can embed media content and include URLs such as a Facebook event page.


  • Start Date is a required field and can be entered in different ways such as Tomorrow, 7/17/17, August 1, Sept. 1 and etc..
  • Date entered will be listed under Confirmed Dates.
  • If there is an End Time, then there should be a Start Time.
  • By default all events are set to never recur. If you need to create a recurring event, see Add a recurring event.


  • When you enter an Event Place and if it appears in the dropdown, then the location exists in the calendar and has a landing page.
  • If you enter an Event Place and Use is displayed, then the location does not exist in the calendar and has no landing page. This will be a custom location and can be used as the Event Place.
  • Fields, Address and Directions will appear if you select to use a custom location.
  • Room can be words or numbers.


  • You can drop an image, upload a photo from your computer or choose from photos previously uploaded.
  • Image should be PNG or JPG format.
  • A generic MIT photo will appear for events that do not have an image.


  • Select all that apply to your event. Its important to assign filters as this can help users to Find an Event and as an administrator when reviewing Platform and Per-Event Metrics.
  • If you want others in your department or group to be able to edit this event, you must include a Department/Group filter. Otherwise, only you will be able to edit the event.


  • If the event is free then leave Ticket Cost blank or enter “Free.”
  • If there is a Ticket Cost and Ticket URL provided, then a Buy Tickets button will appear on the event landing page.
  • No cost or free with a Ticket URL, then a Register button will appear on the event landing page.
  • Eventbrite ID will pull the attendee RSVPs into the calendar and display them as "People Interested" for the event.
    Note: If attendance is restricted in Eventbrite, then this information will not display for the event in the calendar.

Additional Details

  • Keywords are not displayed publicly. Use keywords for common misspellings or as a filter parameter in widgets.
  • Tags are displayed on the event landing page. They are used for grouping similar events outside of filters.
  • Do not include the hashtag as it will be added automatically.
  • Link to a Facebook event page to pull the attendee RSVPs into the calendar and display them as "People Interested" for the event.
    Note: If Facebook privacy settings are set to not publicly display an attendee attendance or activity. Then the attendee RSVP will not appear in the
  • Owner will display the email of the user who created the event. If you need to change the ownership, then update the email to the new owner.


  • Unchecking User Feedback will disable user comments, reviews and photos.
  • Unchecking User Interest will disable “I’m Interested” and “Invite Friends” functionalities.


  • Set event visibility options to decide if your event will be visible to everyone, only to users who are logged in or hidden. Also, you can allow for your event to only display on the place landing page, in widgets or exclude from appearing on the trending list.

Step 3: Once you fill in the form completely, Save Changes to post event to the calendar. A message will display indicating "Event was saved." After, the event will show verified.

Live Events
In the admin view, go to the Events section and click Live. You will only see your group's or department's events that are live on the calendar. The calendar homepage will display all events.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

November 18, 2024

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