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How can I print in color?


Color printing is a limited resource and shared by the entire community. It is intended for academic use only, not as a general-purpose color photocopier. We urge you to consider whether you really need to print a document in color before submitting your job.

If you have a document that contains a few pages in color, you are encouraged to only print those pages to the color printers, and use the regular printers for the black and white portion of your document. This helps MIT conserve resources and ensures that the color printers are available to anyone who needs them.


See: Printer Locations


Please note that Pharos uses separate black-and-white and color print queues. A job submitted to the black-and-white queue will not appear for release on the color printer's touchscreen.

On Athena, you'll need to print to mitprint-color. On your personal computer, you'll need to ensure you have both the black-and-white and color queues configured. (The Mac installer configures both, the Windows versions use separate installers for each queue).


On Mobileprint be sure to choose a color printer or color printing. For more, see: Touchless Printing Release with MobilePrint


Please note that the color printer deducts twice the amount of pages from your print quota.
For more information, see Is there a print quota or charge for printing?

More Information

Search the KB for help with installing a printer.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 23, 2021

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