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Q: When I swipe my card, Pharos says "internal server error" or "Unknown card ID"


If you have an older MIT ID card, such as the one shown below, you will need to obtain a new MIT ID card. Please visit the MIT Card Office in W20-021 to obtain a new card at no charge.

Old gray ID card

If you have one of the newer MIT ID cards, such as the examples below, it may indicate a problem with your card or a problem with the Pharos server. Please visit the Card Office or contact to report the error. Be sure to include your 9 digit MIT ID number as well as the date and time when you received the error message so that server logs can be examined.

New ID card
New ID card

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

October 07, 2020

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