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Using Zoom Phone Service - Multiple Lines

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With Zoom you can have one User Account with your MIT Kerberos ID assigned as the Softphone username. Service Lines are numbers often owned by offices or groups. Both account types may have multiple owners and are managed from the MIT Zoom Portal. If you are associated with multiple numbers, you will be prompted to select which to manage when you login.


  1. Go to

  2. Authenticate as you usually would with Touchstone/Duo.
    Result: If you own multiple numbers, you are presented with the following screen:
  3. Select the account you want to manage.
    • Continue: Will log you in with the softphone-enabled User Account that's associated with your MIT Kerberos ID.
    • Administer Phone: Will allow you to login to Service Lines. Use the drop-down menu to select the number you want to administer.
      Result: You are logged into the Zoom account you selected. You can administer settings and check voicemail as you normally would on the portal. For more information on administering your accounts, see: Zoom Phone Service.

Getting Started

Once in the portal, there are a few things you may want to set up for your service line to get it configured and ready to use.

Tips for Using

  • Always be sure you're logged into the correct account. You don't want to set up meetings or alter settings on the wrong account. You can tell which account you're on by clicking on the icon in the top-right. For your User Account, it will show your Zoom icon, Name, and Kerberos ID. For a Service Line, it will show the phone number of the Service Line followed by

  • Switching Between Phone Numbers is as simple as logging out and going through the authentication process again. You logout by clicking on your icon in the top-right and selecting Sign Out.

See Also

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Last Modified:

June 01, 2023

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