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Email notifications in Request Tracker - how do I make sure I am notified?

As a consultant on a Request Tracker queue, you can set RT to notify you via email of replies and comments made to all tickets in the queue or of replies and comments made to a particular ticket.

To set Request Tracker to notify a person of replies and comments to all tickets in a queue, make that person a "Watcher" on the queue.

    • From the left navigation bar, select Configuration
    • Select Queues
    • From the list on the right, select the queue name.
    • Select Watchers
    • In the interface on the left, set individual users or an RT group to be AdminCC for the queue. This will set the users (or all members of the RT group) as AdminCC on all tickets for the queue.

Note: AdminCcs for the queue will be notified by email of new tickets in the queue, and of replies and comments made to tickets. They will not be notified of changes to custom field values. To be notified by email of tickets transferred into the queue, a script will need to be created.

To set Request Tracker to notify a person of replies and comments to a particular ticket, set that person as an AdminCC for the ticket.

    • With the ticket open in Request Tracker, select "People" from the left navigation bar.
    • Change the "Type" drop-down menu to AdminCc.
    • Enter the email address of the user to be added, and press Save Changes.

Note: Setting a person as an owner on a ticket will not automatically result in email notifications from RT. See: [archive:Tickets I Own in Request Tracker - View a List]

See also: Who receives email notification during Ticket progress?

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 08, 2010

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