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Q: How do I change my Kerberos password in Windows?


You must know your current password to use a self-service password changing option listed below.

If you do not know your current password, Contact the Service Desk for assistance resetting your password.

On the Web

If you have a valid certificate, you can use

Kerberos for Windows 4.0.x

  1. You will need to download and install the Kerberos for Windows software from MIT's software grid.
  2. Follow the instructions for installing.
  3. Once installed, go to the Start button and choose Programs > Kerberos for Windows > Network Identity Manager.
  4. Click the button Change Password button in the tool bar to change your password.
  5. You need to know your current password to change it.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 27, 2017

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