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MIT Kerberos for Windows 4.0.x - Installation Instructions

Note: You must have administrator privileges before you can install MIT Kerberos for Windows.
The screenshots below are from Windows 7, however the same steps will also apply to Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10. There will just be cosmetic differences in the actual screens displayed.


  1. Download the MIT Kerberos for Windows 4.0 installer file from The IS&T Software Grid. (Certificates Required.)

    Note: Download the correct version for your operating system: 32-bit Windows or 64-bit Windows

  2. Find and double-click the installer kfw-4.0-i386-mit.msi for 32-bit Windows and kfw-4.0-amd64-mit.msi for 64-bit Windows
    Result: The setup wizard opens.
    Setup wizard screen

  3. Click Next.
  4. In the license-agreement window, click to select "I accept..." then click Next.
    License agreement window

  5. For Setup Type, click Typical unless you are advised to do a Custom or Complete installation.
    Choose setup type screen

  6. In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
    Ready to install window
    Result: The installation status window appears.
  7. In the Completing... window, click Finish.
    Result: When installation is complete, the window will close.
    Completing setup wizard screen

  8. To check that KfW 4.0.x is installed, you will see the MIT Kerberos Ticket Manager shortcut icon on your desktop
    Desktop Shortcut

    You should also see the MIT Kerberos for Windows icon in the Start menu (called "Network Identity Manager" or "Leash" in previous versions of KfW).
    Start menu option

    A small oval with the letter "K" for MIT Kerberos for Windows will also appear in the Notification tray at the bottom right corner of your Windows screen.
    Note: This icon changes color based upon the acquisition of tickets.
    Notification tray

IMPORTANT: You must re-start your machine for the changes to take effect.

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Last Modified:

December 12, 2024

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