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Q: How do I configure my computer to connect to MITnet via a wired Ethernet connection?


You are on campus and you have access to a wired Ethernet connection.


There are a few ways you can configure your computer to connect to MITnet using a wired Ethernet connection:

Use a dynamically assigned (random) IP address

This is the easiest method and is recommended for most users. See How do I register for DHCP service without an IP address? for instructions. You will be assigned a random IP address each time you connect to MITnet.

Use a dynamically assigned (permanent) IP address reserved for your device and associated with its hostname

Devices will be given a permanently reserved IP address associated with the devices registered hostname. See How do I register for DHCP service with a permanent reserved IP address?? for instructions.

This option is only available for MIT students, faculty or staff with valid Kerberos IDs.
If you choose this option, the reserved IP address will only be assigned while on your home network (i.e. while in the building where you registered). You will be assigned a random IP address if you leave your home network. Multiple registrations for the same device are not permitted.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 15, 2022

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