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Q: How do I register for DHCP service with a permanent reserved IP address?


Submit a IS&T help form or email with the subject "DHCP service registration with a permanent reserved IP address" and the following information

Requested Hostname:
MIT Kerberos ID:
MIT building and room address:
MAC address of your Ethernet interface:
Cost Object: 

If this is an academic building, or if a public IP is required, please provide a cost object
and billing contact email.

If you are updating an existing hostname, please state that in your email. Please provide
old and new information.

If you are unsure how to find the MAC address of your Ethernet interface, you can refer to How can I find my MAC Address of my Ethernet interface?.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 06, 2023

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