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DHCP Service at MIT

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The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Service lets you connect your computer via Ethernet to MITnet without reconfiguring your computer's network settings if you move it to a new location.

MIT faculty, staff and students are eligible to use this service, as well as MIT visitors (some limitations apply).


There are two options.

Option A. Register without an IP address (MIT faculty, staff, students, and guests who need internet access for web browsing, email and printing)

Option B. Register with a permanent reserved IP address (MIT students, faculty and staff for academic purposes who are providing services from their computers that need to accept inbound connection requests to their computer.)

Getting Help

If you experience any difficulties registering for DHCP Service, contact the IS&T Help Desk.

See Also

Network/Connectivity at MIT
Get Connected to MITnet

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 28, 2023

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from the Help Desk
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