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How do I configure my web browser to accept cookies?

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Some MIT sites, such as eCAT purchasing, require your browser to accept third party cookies. If you prefer a more secure setting, you may wish to configure this setting temporarily, then revert to a more secure setting after completing your transaction.

The Wikipedia definition of a web cookie .

Internet Explorer

  1. Follow the menu path: Tools > Options
  2. Select the Privacy tab
  3. Use the slider to set the security level to Medium.


Safari 5 and higher

  1. Follow the menu path Safari > Preferences.
  2. Select the Privacy icon from the icons across the top.
  3. In the section for Block cookies, select the setting for Never.
  4. Quit Safari, then reopen Safari and try again to access the site.
    NOTE: You may wish to configure these settings on a permanent basis, or configure them on a temporary basis, reverting to a more secure setting once the transaction, such as eCAT purchasing, is complete. More information is available here: Modifying security and privacy settings in Safari 5 and 6

Older Versions of Safari

  1. Follow the menu path Safari > Preferences.
  2. Select the Security icon from the icons across the top.
  3. In the section for Accept cookies, select the setting for Always.
  4. Quit Safari, then reopen Safari and try again to access the site.
    NOTE: You may wish to configure these settings on a permanent basis, or configure them on a temporary basis, reverting to a more secure setting once the transaction, such as eCAT purchasing, is complete.


Firefox 10 and higher

  1. Follow the menu path Firefox > Options > Options (on Windows) or Firefox > Preferences (on Macintosh).
  2. Select the Privacy icon.
  3. Set Firefox to Remember History.
    1. MIT's eCAT partner vendors (like Staples) require full "Remember History" or require "Accept third-party cookies: Always"

NOTE: You may wish to configure these settings on a permanent basis, or configure them on a temporary basis, reverting to a more secure setting once the transaction, such as eCAT purchasing, is complete.

Firefox 3

  1. Follow the menu path Firefox > Preferences (Macintosh) or Tools > Options (Windows).
  2. Click the Privacy icon.
  3. Place a check to enable Accept third party cookies.
    NOTE: You may wish to configure these settings on a permanent basis, or configure them on a temporary basis, reverting to a more secure setting once the transaction, such as eCAT purchasing, is complete.


  1. Follow the menu path *Chrome > Preferences
  2. Click on Settings on the left navigation bar.
  3. Click on Show Advance Settings.
  4. Navigate to the Privacy section and click on Content Settings
  5. Under Cookies, check the radio button next to Allow local data to be set (recommended)

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 04, 2020

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