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How is a Drupal Cloud page organized?


There are several things to consider in answering this question. Theme, region and block are defined in the Drupal Terms article.

  • Each page is divided into regions, which are determined by the theme.
  • A region is an area with boundaries and a location into which you place content in the form of blocks.
  • A region with no content assigned will not appear on the page.
  • Many regions already have blocks assigned to them.
  • Blocks may be moved from region to region.
  • Blocks may be formatted individually using the CSS Injector.
  • Blocks may be set to appear on some pages and not others (e.g., the Content Management block appears only when you are logged in).

To see the region map for your current layout:

  1. Log in as administrator.
  2. In the administrator menu click Structure, then Blocks.
  3. Click Demonstrate block regions.
    click to see regions layout

  4. Here is the layout of regions for the MIT Adaptive theme.
    regions layout

  5. Click Exit block region demonstration to close this screen.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 07, 2020

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