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Q: How do I sign up for MIT's LastPass Service?


Any MIT faculty, staff or student can request an MIT LastPass account.

MIT's LastPass Enterprise account makes use of Duo Two-Factor Authentication. This helps keep your LastPass account secure by ensuring that an attacker will not be able access your data, even if they obtain your LastPass Master Password.

You must have at least one authentication method registered with Duo in order to sign up for the LastPass service. We strongly recommend registering two or more devices with Duo in case your primary method is lost, stolen or becomes unavailable.

Signing Up

  1. Visit the registration portal to activate your LastPass Enterprise account.
  2. Review the Usage Guidelines on the enrollment page.
  3. Select Activate My Account.
  4. If you have never used LastPass, the website will create an account for you and display your username (e-mail address) and a temporary password. You will be forced to change that password the first time you log in to LastPass. Also, your first login will not require Duo, but subsequent ones will.
  5. Alternatively, you may receive an email invite if you have a LastPass account already associated with your address. If you receive the email follow instructions in that email for activating your LastPass enterprise account under step 2.

Useful notes

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to create a company only LastPass account. Users can utilize the Linked Personal Account Tool rather than storing personal data in an Enterprise account.

Additionally if you're new to LastPass, you can find setup instructions on their website or many other articles in the MIT LastPass FAQ

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 16, 2022

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