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Duplex (Double-Sided) Printing in Windows

Useful Information
For Pharos-specific instructions see Print Duplex by Default on Pharos

The following shows how to set up duplex printing for printers in Windows XP, Vista, and 7. Steps may vary slightly from printer to printer.

  1. Set up the printer per the instructions found here. Be sure to use the right printer driver and not a generic one. Print to the printer single sided to verify it's working as is with the basic setup.

  2. Once you've confirmed that the printer is working, open up the printers listing from the Control Panel or Start Menu.

    Available Printers

  3. Right click on the printer you've set up and go to Properties. (Printer Properties in Windows 7)

    Right Click Menu

  4. Select the Device Settings tab. In this list of options there should be a setting for whether or not the printer has a duplexer installed. Switch this from uninstalled to installed. Click Apply and then OK.

    Device Settings tab

  5. If you want to set the default to print Duplex: Right click again on the printer and go to Printing Preferences.

    Right Click Menu

  6. Select the Finishing tab. Here there should be an option you can check to print on both sides and then specify how you want to do so.

    Finishing tab

If you want to override your default settings on a per print basis, hit the properties button in the print prompt window that appears when you're going to print something and go to the Finishing tab and specify the options you want.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 27, 2012

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