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Print Duplex by Default on Pharos


Switching to Duplex (Double-Sided) printing allows you to double the amount of information you can print. Since the quota is per page, switching to double sided effectively doubles your quota, while reducing the size of your backpack and your impact on the environment.

These steps will change your default when printing to Pharos. You can also select double-sided on a per job basis using the Preferences button (or similar, depending on the OS) in the print dialog box.

Windows 7 (Network Printer or Popup Client)

  1. In your "Devices and Printers" control panel right-click on the MIT B&W Pharos Printers printer.
  2. From the context menu that appears select Printing preferences.
  3. Switch to the Finishing tab and select the checkbox next to Print on both sides
  4. Click OK.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

October 07, 2020

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