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Blank screen when attempting to launch MITSIS

I am attempting to launch MITSIS, from, and am seeing a blank page displayed.
MITSIS blank page


The most likely reason is that Sun Java Runtime Environment is not installed. See: Install SUN Java Runtime Environment for MITSIS Use

If JRE is already installed, check for an older Firefox version.

  • For Firefox 3.0 - 3.0.18, additional configuration is needed.
  • The recommended solution is to upgrade to the current version of Firefox. See:
  • If you choose to keep the older Firefox version, use the following steps to enable Java:
    1. Follow the menu path Tools > Options > Content
    2. Select Enable Java checkbox

To determine whether the JRE is installed, and to identify the version of Java installed on the desktop:

  1. Execute the following command at the DOS command line: java -version.
  2. If you receive an error, this is an indication that Java is not installed.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 28, 2012

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