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Adding Content to Your Site - Adaptive Theme

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Adding Content to Your Site

In the previous article you followed along while Louise, the Postdoc creating our example website, customized the layout of her site. Now, she will add the content. Louise has already planned out her content which you can view in this KB Article Getting Started Guide - Site Components.

Tip: If you will be cutting and pasting your content from another document, it is recommended that you save your file in the Rich Text Format with an .rtf file extension. Otherwise, the text formatting from your document will be pasted into your website. You can also paste text into a plain text editor (Notepad or TextEdit) to strip away any formatting before pasting. It is a best practice to style text using your theme’s settings and avoid the Style, Font, Size and color settings on on the format toolbar. The next article in this series will show you how.

Modifying Existing Content

Your Drupal Cloud website comes with areas containing placeholder content on the Home page, the About page, and the Contact page. To modify this content, log into your website and click the Edit tab in the main content area. The image below shows this tab on the Home page.

edit tab

While in Edit mode, Louise copies the text for her Home page from her .rtf file and pastes it into the HTML editor. She then clicks the Save button at the bottom of the overlay screen. The image below shows the HTML editor where she pasted her text, while the second image shows the successfully updated Home page.

paste text

updated text

Louise will now update the content on the About and Contact pages. The images below show these steps. On the Contact page, Louise will add links to her email address and LinkedIn profile.

edit about text

edit contact text

Adding Pages

Louise needs one more page for her website. She wants a page to list her publications, and she wants a link to it on her site’s main menu. To do this, she goes to the Admin Menu and clicks on Content, and then clicks on the link labeled + Add content. The image below highlights these steps.

add a page

On the Add Content screen, she clicks on Basic Page as highlighted below.

choose basic page

On the Create Basic page screen, Louise enters “Publications” for the Title and adds her list of articles from her .rtf file. Then, she clicks the option Provide a menu link for the page and clicks the Save button. The next image highlights these steps.

steps to create a new page

After clicking the Save button, Louise is taken to her new page. There is now a link to her new page on the main menu. The image shows the results of adding this page. She can now edit the content of this page as she did earlier with the Home, About, and Contact pages.

new page added

Adding Blog Posts

Adding a blog post is very similar to adding a page. From the Admin menu click on Content, then + Add content. Select Blog for the type.

add content

Add a Title and content in the Body. You can set a date or leave as it is. Don't forget to click Save.

create blog entry

Remember, you can access the Blog entries from the Main menu or the blocks in the Sidebar second region on the right.

access blog entry

Adding Graphics

There is one more change that Louise would like to make to her Home page. She wants to add a graphic to the main content. This process has several steps to it that includes first uploading her graphic to her website and then selecting it for insertion. There are many clicks and pop-up windows to go through. The first step is to click the Edit tab to go into edit mode. To get started, Louise makes sure that she is using the Full HTML text format. Then, she places her cursor where she wants to add her graphic, and clicks the Add Image icon. Note: If she did not see this icon, she might be using the Filtered HTML or Plain Text text format. The next image shows where Louise can select the Full HTML text format.

select full HTML

The Image Properties window opens. She clicks Browse Server to locate an image on her computer.

click browser

The following image shows what Louise did next.

image properties box

She loocates her graphics file, selects it and clicks Open. Now she can upload her file.

image properties box

After the upload, the image will be included in the list at the right. The graphics file is uploaded and ready to be inserted. Louise selects it and clicks Insert file.

image properties box

She's returned to the Image Properties screen where she can make adjustments before the graphic is inserted. She selects Left in the Alignment popup list.

select alignment left

This is how her text and graphic will look.

image with text to the right

Customizing the Main Menu

Since Louise will not be using the News feature, she needs to remove it from her main menu. She also wants to move the link to the Publications page so that it is in between the links to the About and Blog pages.

The process for doing this is similar to moving the Main menu block from one region to another as shown in the previous article. To do this, she will hover over the block and instead of selecting the option Configure Block, she will select List links, as highlighted in the image below. Doing so, she will be able to enable or disable links, delete them, and move them.

click list links

The image below shows how to remove the link to News and move the link to the Publications page. Louise will deselect the Enabled option beside News and drag and drop the Publications link to its correct position.

add and move menu links

The image below shows the final results Louise gets after completing all of these steps. She’s added all of her content and is now ready to put the finishing touches on her site by making some stylistic changes.

edits complete

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Last Modified:

April 27, 2016

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