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Q: How do I check certificate expiration dates?

On this page:

If you are looking for how to get certificates, see Certificates Landing Page


In Firefox

  1. On Athena, Linux, and Macintosh: open Preferences.
  2. On Windows: open Tools > Options
  3. In the Preferences/Options window, click Privacy and Security, then scroll down to Security.
  4. In the Certificates subsection, click View Certificates.
  5. In the Certificate Manager window, you should see your personal certificates listed (if not, click Your Certificates).
    Result: The expiration date is given in the column headed "Expires On".
  6. Click OK in the Preferences/Options window, and then close the Certificate Manager window.
  7. See also How do I test my MIT personal certificate?

In Internet Explorer

  1. Go to Tools > Internet Options.
  2. Click the Content tab, then click the Certificates button (middle of the window).
  3. In the Certificates window, click the Personal tab.
    Result: Your personal certificates should be listed. The expiration date is given in the column headed "Expiration Date".
  4. Close the Certificates window, then click OK in the Internet Options window.
  5. See How do I test my MIT personal certificate?

In Safari and Chrome on Mac OS

Note: Safari and Chrome store your MIT CA (Certificate Authority) and personal certificate in a file known as a Keychain.

  1. Under your Mac OS X account, go to Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access. If necessary, click Show Keychains in the lower left-hand corner of the Keychain Access window.
  2. In the list of Keychains, click login.
  3. Click My Certificates under Category in the lower left-hand corner of the sidebar.
  4. There should be a certificate under your name listed. The expiration date should be listed to the right.
    Note: There should only be one certificate here. If there are duplicate/expired certificates, please delete them by highlighting and selecting Edit > Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Select Delete.
  5. Quit from Keychain Access.
  6. See How do I test my MIT personal certificate?

In Chrome on Windows

  1. Click on the Chrome menu and then proceed to click on Settings.
    Result: Settings will open up in a new tab.
  2. Select Show advanced settings... at the bottom of the page.
  3. Scroll the page to reach HTTPS/SSL and then select Manage certificates...
    Result: Your personal certificate should now be shown with the expiration date in the column headed "Expiration Date"
  4. Select Close in order to save your settings.
    Note: There should only be one certificate here. If there are duplicate/expired certificates, please delete them by highlighting the additional certificate/s and selecting Remove.
  5. See How do I test my MIT personal certificate?

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 29, 2020

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