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Q: Sophos Central - Am I running the on-prem or cloud version of Sophos?


The follow items describe how to distinguish which version of Sophos you are running on your computer.


Browse to your applications folder and look for the Sophos folder. If you see:

  • An application called Sophos Anti-virus, you are running the old on-prem version of Sophos.
  • An application called Sophos Endpoint, you are running the new cloud version of Sophos.


Type Sophos into the Windows search bar.

If you see:

  • An application called Sophos Endpoint Security and Control, you are running the old on-prem version of Sophos.
  • An application called Sophos Endpoint Agent, you are running the new cloud version of Sophos.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 30, 2021

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