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Q: How do I use the whiteboard camera in W20-575D?

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The whiteboard camera ("CopyCam") can save an image of the whiteboard to its internal web server for downloading. Use dark color markers to provide the best contrast – in particular, avoid yellow or orange whenever possible.

Please note that there is no access control – anyone can view, download, and delete images.

Saving an image

Ensure the status LED is solid green. Step away from the board (to avoid casting shadows) and press the "Capture to Web" button.
CopyCam capture button

The panel will say "Save Web", and the status LED will flash yellow. After 10-15 seconds, the panel will say "Captured" and the LED will be solid yellow. The device is now processing the image, but you can erase the board or alter its contents. After another 30-35 seconds, the device will say "Ready" and the LED will return to solid green. You can now download your image.

Downloading an image

Visit in your web browser. You will see a gallery of all the images stored in the device's memory:
Copycam images website

Click on the thumbnail to display the full size image (PNG format). Then save the full size image to your computer using your browser's File ? Save feature. If you wish to delete your image once it has been saved, return to the thumbnail screen and click the "trash can" icon.


If the whiteboard is unplugged, you'll need to plug it back in and wait for it to calibrate itself and boot up. The board should be blank during this procedure and you should not stand close to the board (in the camera's field of view). The CopyCam takes 2-3 minutes from power-on until it's ready to capture images. The device will say "Hello" and the status LED will be green when it is ready for use.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 21, 2016

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