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Q: How do I request an MIT Dropbox account?


Any MIT faculty, staff or student can request an MIT Dropbox account. To make your request:

  1. Go to
  2. Review the Usage Guidelines on the enrollment page (also available here).
  3. Acknowledge you've reviewed the guidelines by clicking the checkbox and click the Next button.
  4. Congratulations! Your account has been created! You should receive an invite to join MIT's Dropbox for Business delivered to your MIT email address.
  5. Open your MIT email inbox and open your invitation. Click the Join the MIT Team button to start the setup process.

Useful notes:

  • If you already have a Dropbox account associated with your MIT email address, the setup process will ask to link your existing personal account with another email address. No need to worry, your personal account will continue to use the same quota. Dropbox provides useful instructions to help on their website.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 30, 2015

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