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Windows Student Virtual Machines - Install and First Start

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Getting Ready

Before you install the Windows 7 or Windows 10 Student Virtual Machine on your workstation, there are a few things you should do:

  1. Have the latest IS&T supported version of VMware installed on your computer. If you do not already have VMware installed, see Available Software: Virtualization and select the correct version for your host operating system.
  2. Back up your system. Before beginning any installation, IS&T recommends you have a current and complete backup of your existing system. While we have tested the install process, there is an infinite number of possible system configurations, and some may cause problems.
  3. Memory: 4 GB RAM minimum (at least 2 GB for virtual host)
  4. Disk Space: 2GB free disk space for VMware Fusion and at least 20 GB free disk space for each virtual machine
  5. Get the Windows 10 Student Virtual machine from the IS&T web site.
  6. Get the Windows 10 w/SolidWorks Student Virtual machine from the IS&T web site.


Instructions on copying it into place here.

Macintosh users should copy the downloaded file to User home > Documents > Virtual Machines.

  1. Locate the downloaded zip archive on your Macintosh.
  2. Move the zip archive to User home > Documents > Virtual Machines.
  3. Double-click the zip archive to unzip it.
  4. Double-click the Virtual Machine or browse into the .vmware folder and double-click the .vmx file to open the Virtual Machine.
  5. You will be prompted through several screens, to personalize the Virtual Machine for your individual use. Accept the default options, keeping in mind:
    • While you may choose any Windows username you like, using your Kerberos username is recommended in order to simplify the process of printing and other things.
    • For security reasons, IS&T recommends that you not use your Kerberos password as the Windows login password. IS&T recommends that you set a good password hint, since this password cannot be retrieved or reset by other means.
    • Click on Use Recommended Settings when prompted to choose Windows automatic updates.

Information needed for Windows users.

  1. Locate the downloaded zip archive on your Windows computer.
  2. Move the zip archive to User > Documents > Virtual Machines.
  3. Double-click the zip archive to unzip it. Select the folder you want to extract it to.
  4. Browse into the .vmware folder if it isn't already open.
  5. Double-click the .vmx file to open the Virtual Machine.
  6. You will be prompted through several screens, to personalize the Virtual Machine for your individual use. Accept the default options, keeping in mind:
    • While you may choose any Windows username you like, using your Kerberos username is recommended in order to simplify the process of printing and other things.
    • For security reasons, IS&T recommends that you not use your Kerberos password as the Windows login password. IS&T recommends that you set a good password hint, since this password cannot be retrieved or reset by other means.
    • Click on Use Recommended Settings when prompted to choose Windows automatic updates.

First Start

Your virtual machine is preset to run the Out-of-Box-Experience program on first launch. This will ask you a few questions about how you want the machine to be configured. These should be straightforward and once completed, you should be presented with a standard Windows desktop. Please note that Windows and Sophos updates have only been applied up to the VM's creation date. Additional updates will likely be available and may require your Windows VM to restart.

The Student VM includes Windows 10 (x64) with:

  • Sophos Antivirus
  • VLC
  • SecureCRT/FX
  • JDK w/ NetBeans
  • Firefox ESR
  • Emacs
  • Adobe Reader

Additional Resources

Now that you have your Student Virtual Machine installed and configured, you are ready to use it. Explore the following links for more information on managing and using your virtual machine.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 04, 2020

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