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Sponsored Accounts

Starting in 2023, sponsors of expiring guest accounts can renew these accounts via the self-service Sponsored Accounts tool:

If any issues occur, please reach out to the IS&T Service Desk.
This article details the use of the Sponsored Accounts tool used for administrating guest accounts.

Any current MIT faculty or staff member can sponsor an individual for an affiliate Kerberos account, also known as a "guest" or "sponsored account." Off-campus graduate students can also sponsor an account for their non-resident spouse or partner.


Active Accounts - All sponsored affiliate accounts with an active or registrable status.
Expiring Accounts - Accounts subject to suspension on their noted expiration date.
Reassign Requests - Requests from other sponsors to transfer sponsorship of their sponsored account(s).

Inviting Sponsored Guests

Bulk requests for guest accounts may be made by an authorized Access Approver using the MIT Campus Access system.
  1. Navigate to

  2. Click Add new sponsorship

  3. Fill out the invite form, and press Submit

    The start date informs when the sponsored account is created.

    If the start date is within 14 days of sponsorship submission, the registrable kerberos account will be created instantly, and an email will be sent to both the sponsor and sponsoree. Otherwise, the account will be created when that 14-day window is reached.

    Renewing Sponsorship

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select Expiring Accounts

  3. Click Renew Sponsorships

  4. Select the checkbox corresponding to the sponsoree(s) to be renewed or click Select all to select all sponsorees

  5. Click Submit Renewals

  6. Review prospective renewal(s), remove sponsorees as needed, and click Submit


Reassigning Sponsorship

  1. Navigate to

  2. Under Your Sponsored Accounts Click Reassign sponsorship to the right of the sponsoree to be transferred

  3. Search for the current MIT faculty or staff member to be assigned sponsorship of the respective sponsoree, select them as they appear in the dropdown menu, and click Submit

Reassign Requests

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select Reassign Requests

  3. Click Approve or Ignore as appropriate

    1. Approve - Sponsorship of the individual is transferred to the approver

    2. Ignore - Sponsorship of the individual is retained by requestor

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

May 24, 2024

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