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Security Network Layer (SNC) error on SAPgui login attempt


I am trying to log in to SAPgui and getting an error:

Security Network Layer (SNC) error


This error message can indicate a number of things.

For the following circumstances

  • Kerberos is already installed.
  • The error persists even after getting a ticket directly in Kerberos.

Verify the clock on the computer is accurate.

The error can sometimes be resolved by deleting any old desktop shortcuts, and launching the application directly from Start>>Programs>>SAP Frontend>>Production.

If this works, the desktop shortcut can be re-created from the start menu entry.

If this does not resolve your situation, contact the Help Desk for further troubleshooting assistance.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 11, 2019

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