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SAPgui printing - Configure SAPgui to print to my preferred printer

Use the options detailed below to configure SAPgui to choose the printer to which SAP print jobs which will be sent.

For a list of printers supported for SAP printing, see: Recommended Printers. Printers on this list have been tested for printing from SAPgui and Atlas.


Option One: Print to Your Computer's Default Printer

  1. Configure the default printer for your Macintosh or Windows machine. That is, the printer to which documents will be sent by default.
  2. Configure SAPgui to print to your computer's default printer.
    1. Follow the menu path System > User Profile > Own Data.
    2. Select the Defaults tab.
    3. In the Spool Control section, locate the Output Device field, and enter %WIN (for Windows machines) or %FE1 (for Macintosh machines).
    4. Click on the Save icon to save your changes (looks like a floppy disk).

Option Two: Print Directly to an SAP Print Queue

If the printer you prefer to use is set up with an SAP print queue, you can configure SAPgui to send print jobs directly to this 3- or 4-letter print queue. Jobs will be spooled directly from the SAP back-end system to the printer queue.

  1. Follow the menu path System > User Profile > Own Data.
  2. Select the Defaults tab.
  3. In the Spool Control section, locate the Output Device field, and enter the name of the 3- or 4-letter SAP print queue.
  4. Click on the Save icon to save your changes (looks like a floppy disk).

NOTE: If your printer has not been set up as an SAP printer, but you would like it to be, you can request an SAP print queue for your printer.

Print to Your Computer's Default Printer With Expanded Print Options

The %FE1 and %WIN queues may not allow you to take advantage of some of the special features of some printers, such as printing more than one page per sheet of paper.

If your printer and print driver support those features and you need to use them, you can use the WLOC print queue (for Windows) or the MLOC print queue (for Macs). Macintosh users, be sure to read important notes, below.

These queues send the print job to your computer's default printer just like %WIN and %FE1, but they will allow you to take advantage of the special features of these queues.

Important Notes:

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 03, 2016

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