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SAPgui 7.x for Windows Installation Instructions


  1. The following software is required and should be installed prior to running the SAPgui installer:
  2. You must have Administrator privileges on the system.
  3. If you are logged in to SAPgui, log off and close all SAPgui windows.

Installation Instructions

If you are off campus, you will need to connect to the MIT VPN

  1. Download the MIT SAPGui installer to your desktop or downloads folder. Download installer
  2. Close your browser and all other open applications or running programs.
  3. Go to your Desktop or Downloads folder, and, double click the MIT SAPGui installer to launch the installation wizard.
  4. The following screen will appear and remain throughout the installation.
    SAP Installer extraction

    SAP Installation progress bar
  5. Click OK to continue and finish the installation.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 25, 2024

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