Print to PDF from SAPgui
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Before you begin
- Adobe Acrobat Professional must be installed on the computer in order to use these instructions.
- SAP default output device should be set to %FE1
- In SAPgui, follow the menu path System > User Profile > Own Data.
- Select the Defaults tab.
- In the Spool Control section, locate the Output Device field, and enter %FE1
- Click on the Save icon to save your changes (looks like a floppy disk).
- In SAPgui, execute the DTR or Summary Statement.
- Press the printer icon.
- Press the green check.
- Specify the output device as %WIN
Windows 10/11: If not prompted to save as PDF, use WLOC - Select Adobe PDF from the list of printers.
- Press Print.
Result: A windows Save As dialog box opens, prompting for the location to which the .pdf file will be saved.
- In SAPgui, execute the Summary Statement or DTR.
- Press printer icon.
- In the Print Options dialog, choose Portrait or Landscape and press the green check.
- Choose Print Preview.
- At the far left, choose the floppy desk icon for Save As (to the left of the printer icon) - Choose a location and a file name.
- Press Save.
NOTE: For SAPgui Summary Statement and DTR's on Macintosh, printing to %FE1 or MLOC, then sending the job through the Mac OS printing system to Adobe Acrobat Professional is NOT successful.