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MECM - SCCM - Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

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Q: What is MECM?

Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager is a management platform for Windows endpoints providing inventory, software distribution, operating system imaging, settings and security management.

MECM allows IT administrators to proactively manage equipment life-cycles, efficiently deploy software and policies in a consistent manner, and provide data for troubleshooting computer issues.

More information regrading MECM can be found here.

Q: What information does the MECM client collect as inventory?

  • Hardware specifications
  • Applications installed
  • Services running
  • List of local user account

Note: Microsoft MECM is NOT configured to collect Application Usage, user login/logout timestamps, or any browsing history.

Q: How does the MECM client work?

MECM consists of a primary site server and a client installed on each managed computer.

The MECM client checks with the server at three different intervals:

  • Every 15 minutes - check for new policies
  • Once a day - upload software inventory
  • Once a day - upload hardware inventory

The MECM client can reach the server from off-campus via the Cloud Management Gateway. Clients off-campus will require connecting to MECM once every 90 days. If the client has been off-line for more than 90 days, it will need to connect to the MIT network (on-campus or via VPN) before it can communicate with MECM again.

Q: How is the MECM client installed on the computer?

The client is installed on all computers on the WIN domain under the Machines/Endpoints OU. Additionally it can be optionally enabled for any other OU by GPO.

Q: What changes will I see once the MECM client is installed on my computer?

  • A new entry for Configuration Manager will appear in the Control Panel (under System and Security if viewing by category).
  • Three folders are created under C:\Windows - ccm (logs), ccmcache (downloaded apps), ccmsetup (setup files).
  • Software Center entry will appear in the start menu. The exe is located at C:\Windows\ccm\SCClient.exe

Q: Will you be installing software on the computer?

Since MECM is a tool to assist in managing Windows clients, certain policies and software can be centrally deployed.

Clients will be informed in conjunction with their IT Consultant before any changes are applied.

Q: What is the Self Service App?

A self service application simply called "Software Center" will be present on any computer with the MECM client installed. This is a portal that provides access for end users to install applications and printers. Items from the Software Center can be installed by the end user, even if they are not a local administrator of that particular computer.

Q. How do I uninstall the MECM client?

It can be uninstalled by running Ccmsetup.exe /uninstall from the command line. The ccmsetup.exe file is typically stored at C:\Windows\ccmsetup.

If you have concerns about the MECM client, please do not hesitate to contact Hardware & Software Deployment.

Q: What if I have other questions?

Please send an e-mail to Hardware & Software Deployment.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

September 08, 2023

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