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MECM - SCCM - Installing and updating Adobe Creative Cloud

This article explains how to deploy the Adobe Creative Cloud apps and how to push Creative Cloud updates to client machines that have auto-updates disabled.

Deploying the Creative Cloud Apps

In MECM, there are many applications for Adobe Creative Cloud apps. These applications are found under MIT Applications and are named as "EPM - Adobe ProductName CC 2021".

You can deploy all of these to your target machines as "Available" and let users decide which to install, or you can choose to deploy only one set or the other.

Please Note: All of these packages have the Adobe auto-update enabled be default. If you would like to disable the auto-updating, please look at this KB article.

Adobe applications including Acrobat now require an Adobe ID to be associated to the product. For more information, please view the Adobe FAQ page [].

Deploying updates remotely

Whether you have auto-updates enabled or not, you can still update your Adobe products at your discretion via MECM by using the "Update Adobe CC" package.

  1. In the MECM Console, find the package under Software Library > Overview > Application Management > Packages > MIT Packages > Update Adobe CC.

  2. Right-click on Update Adobe CC and select Deploy. Click next until you reach the "Scheduling" section.
  3. In the "Scheduling" section, click New to add an assignment schedule. You can either set a time or simply choose "Assign immediately after this event" and "As soon as possible" to push it immediately. Be sure to set the Rerun Behavior to "Always rerun program".
  4. Click next, and you can now click through to the end with the default options.

Uninstalling Adobe Creative Cloud Apps

Deploy the application as you normally would, and make sure to select the Uninstall option during the deployment wizard.

How Can I Tell If My Computers Are Using the Adobe Volume License?

Run a query to determine whether your computer are utilizing the Adobe Volume License.

  1. The query is located under Queries->MIT Queries->Adobe Volume .lic File.
  2. Right-click the query and choose to Run. A list of the computers using this license will be returned. To disassociate the volume license you can deploy the "EPM - Adobe CC Volume License Key 2018" and set to "uninstall".

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 22, 2022

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