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Gradescope Landing Page

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Gradescope is a set of online grading tools designed to accommodate a common grading workflow. This article provides links to documentation and training videos on the tools and features of Gradescope.

Login to Gradescope

  1. Visit
  2. Click "Log In" in the top-right corner of the page
  3. Click "School Credentials"
  4. Select "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" from the resulting list

You will next be prompted with the Touchstone authentication process to complete login using your MIT Kerberos credentials.

Transitioning a pre-existing account to MIT's license

  1. Login to your free Gradescope account
  2. Navigate to Account > Edit Account at the bottom-left corner of the screen
  3. Click "School Credentials"
  4. Click "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"
  5. Authenticate with your MIT Kerberos credentials

Upon successful authentication, your Gradescope account will be successfully linked to your MIT account, and you'll be able to access Gradescope via your MIT Kerberos credentials moving forward.

Notes on student access

Instructors and course teams using Gradescope are encouraged to get familiar with Gradescope’s functionality regarding what is visible and accessible to students throughout the duration of a course. Tips and information about managing student access can be found in the document linked here.


Training Videos

Course Management


Assignment Workflow

Have Questions or Still Need Help?

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 06, 2024

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