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Enable-disable plugins and extensions for Mozilla Firefox

Browser plugins

To disable plugins

  • Click the Firefox menu icon firefox settings in the upper right of the browser toolbar.
  • Choose Add-ons
  • From the left navigation pane, choose Plugins.
  • Choose Never Activate for each plugin that you wish to disable.
  • Alternatively, if you wish to disable all plugins as a troubleshooting measure, you may choose to Create a new Mozilla Firefox Profile

To enable plugins

  • Click the Firefox menu icon firefox settings in the upper right of the browser toolbar.
  • Choose Add-ons
  • From the left navigation pane, choose Plugins.
  • Choose Always Activate or Ask to Activate for each plugin, as needed.

Browser Extensions

To disable extensions

  • Click the Firefox menu icon firefox settings in the upper right of the browser toolbar.
  • Choose Add-ons
  • From the left navigation pane, choose Extensions.
  • Choose Disable for each extension that you wish to turn off
  • Alternatively, if you wish to disable all extensions as a troubleshooting measure, you may choose to Create a new Mozilla Firefox Profile

To enable extensions

  • Click the Firefox menu icon firefox settings in the upper right of the browser toolbar.
  • Choose Add-ons
  • From the left navigation pane, choose Extensions.
  • Choose Enable for each extension you wish to turn on.

Next steps, alternatives

  • If disabling plugins and extensions resolves the browser issue that you were encountering, it can be helpful to individual re-enable plugins and extensions, in order to determine which plugin is causing the incompatibility.
  • As an alternative, follow steps to Create a new Mozilla Firefox Profile. The new profile will start with default settings, and your current profile will remain untouched.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

December 14, 2020

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