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Creating Sub Menus for Your Drupal Site

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Many sites use a design which shows a horizontal main menu with vertical secondary menu links on the left. The AdminConnect site uses this technique.

admin connect example

Instructions differ slightly based on the theme you are using.

On this page:

Instructions for the Default DLC Theme

Drupal Cloud uses blocks to hold menu links. There is a default block called Main menu which is located on the top, in the Menu Bar region.

admin connect example

When you add content and generate menu links, make sure the parent is one of the existing menu links (e.g., About) and not Main Menu.

embedded menu links

Here, two new pages have been added. To see and adjust the menu links click Structure, then Menus, then list links next to Main menu. You will be on the following page.

embedded menu links

To see the submenu (e.g., Staff), click on the parent link (e.g., About_) and then hover over the menu link. This is not the final effect we wish to achieve. When we complete the next step the submenu links will appear at the right on the parent page (e.g., About).

embedded menu links

Using the Menu Block Module

The Menu Block module lets you create a new menu block. The new menu block will display the submenu links (e.g., Staff, Projects) and will only display on their parent page (e.g., About). The new menu block also uses the Main menu links but only shows the secondary links from level two and lower. This block is then placed in the Sidebar first region.

To enable the Menu Block Module:

  1. From the Admin menu, click Modules.
  2. Scroll to the Other group.
  3. Click the box to enable Menu Block.

enable menu block module

Once a module is enabled it may be used without returning here each time.

Creating a New Menu Block

This process involves creating the block, then choosing a menu to appear in the new block. It begins on the Blocks overlay page.

  1. From the Admin menu click Structure, then Blocks.
  2. Click + Add menu block. The + Add menu block link becomes available once the Menu block module is enabled.

click add menu block

The Menu block options screen has many choices. Notice that there is also an Advanced set of options. All the options are described below. For more information click the menu block's detailed help link at the top.

  1. Enter a title to appear at the top of the menu or <none> for no title.
  2. Add an administrative title - especially if you add <none> in step one.
  3. Choose Main menu as the source of the menu links.
  4. Choose Second level as the Starting level.
  5. Under Region settings choose the Sidebar first region. The menu will appear on the left.
  6. Click Save block.

menu block options

The following screenshot shows the final effect.

menu block options

Instructions for the Adaptive Theme

Drupal Cloud uses blocks to hold menu links. There is a default block called Main Menu which is located on the left, in the Sidebar first region.

admin connect example

When you add content and generate menu links, make sure the parent is one of the existing menu links (e.g., About) and not Main Menu.

embedded menu links

Here, two new pages have been added. To see and adjust the menu links click Structure, then Menus, then list links next to Main menu. You will be on the following page.

embedded menu links

To see the submenu (e.g., Staff), click on the parent link (e.g., About).

embedded menu links

Making the Menu Horizontal

To create the horizontal menu effect, the Main menu block is moved from the Sidebar first region to the Menu bar region. Unfortunately, by moving the Main menu block to the Menu bar region you lose the ability to show sub menu links. Since a block can only be used in one region we will need to create another menu block to place in the Sidebar first region. This is where the Menu block module comes in handy.

no embedded menu links with horizontal menu

Using the Menu Block Module

The Menu Block module lets you create a new menu block. The new menu block will display the submenu links (e.g., Staff, Projects) and will only display on their parent page (e.g., About). The new menu block also uses the Main menu links but only shows the secondary links from level two and lower. This block is then placed in the Sidebar first region.

To enable the Menu Block Module:

  1. From the Admin menu, click Modules.
  2. Scroll to the Other group.
  3. Click the box to enable Menu Block.

enable menu block module

Once a module is enabled it may be used without returning here each time.

Creating a New Menu Block

This process involves creating the block, then choosing a menu to appear in the new block. It begins on the Blocks overlay page.

  1. From the Admin menu click Structure, then Blocks.
  2. Click + Add menu block. The + Add menu block link becomes available once the Menu block module is enabled.

click add menu block

The Menu block options screen has many choices. Notice that there is also an Advanced set of options. All the options are described below. For more information click the menu block's detailed help link at the top.

  1. Enter a title to appear at the top of the menu or <none> for no title.
  2. Add an administrative title - especially if you add <none> in step one.
  3. Choose Main menu as the source of the menu links.
  4. Choose Second level as the Starting level.
  5. Under Region settings choose the Sidebar first region. The menu will appear on the left.
  6. Click Save block.

menu block options

The following screenshot shows the final effect.

menu block options

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 25, 2016

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