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Creating Menu Links on a Drupal Page

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There are two ways to add a new link to a menu on a Drupal Cloud site.

  1. Create a menu link from a page overlay screen
  2. Create a menu link from the Menus overlay screen

In the first method you will work from a particular page and use the page setting to include a menu link. In the second method you will create a menu link and then point the link to an existing page. In either case you will have both a page and a menu link to that page.

This article will explain both ways to create menu links and will also cover how to edit menu links once they exist. Other articles about menus include Creating a Horizontal Menu and Creating Menus for Sections of Your Site. These articles can be found on the Drupal Cloud Home Page.

Creating a Menu Link from a Page Overlay Screen

  1. Click Content on the admin menu then create a page or open an existing page.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of your page and click to select the option Provide a menu link.
  3. Select the menu you wish the link to fall under. Selecting <Main menu> leaves the link at the top most level.
  4. You can leave the other settings as they are.

Here is an example where the Staff link will be added to the Main menu.
menu link settings

Here is the finished menu link.
menu with child link

Generating Automatic URL Aliases

There is another consideration when working with menu links. Each page has a unique URL assigned by the Drupal Cloud system. It usually takes the form node/# where # is the sequential number representing page creation order. So the Home page URL is node/1. Drupal can also assign a URL alias from the page title making it easier to remember. For example, the URL for the About page is about.

To be sure that Drupal is generating a URL alias for a page click the URL path settings option at the bottom of a page overlay screen. Then check the box to _Generate automatic URL settings.

You can do this for pages even after they have been created. Just open the page, set the page to automatically generate a URL alias and Save the page. A new url alias will be created.

generate url alias

Creating a Menu Link From the Menus Overlay Screen

  1. To create a menu link for an existing page click Structure on the admin menu, then click Menus.
    click structure then menus

  2. On the Main menu row click Add link.
    click add link

  3. On the Edit menu link overlay screen, enter a Menu link title for your link. This will become the text which appears in the menu so keep it short.
  4. Enter the Path, the URL for the page which the link will open. Locate the URL alias on the page overlay. Refer to the the previous section for help. Remember the form is node/page-URL-alias.
  5. Choose the Parent link. Leave it on Main menu if the link is to appear at the top level. If you choose to place this link subordinate to another link, for example under the About link, then the URL format you enter in step 4 would take the form node/about/page-URL-alias.
    link options

Editing Menu Links

  1. To edit any options for an existing link click Structure then click Menus.
  2. On the Main menu row click list links.
    click list links

  3. Click edit on the row for the link you wish to edit.
    choose link to edit

    You may change the title, path or parent for your link.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 07, 2020

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