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Certificate Renewal For 2024

From: Kyle Filipe <>
Subject: Reminder: MIT Personal Certificates Expire July 30

Good day,

With MIT's recent update to Touchstone powered by Okta, use of personal certificates is being phased out, and Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) is investigating passwordless authentication options for Touchstone.

In the meantime, certain web applications will continue to require authentication using a personal certificate rather than Touchstone, so IS&T recommends keeping your MIT certificate up to date.

Certificates obtained from IS&T within the past year are set to expire on July 30, 2024.

To ensure continued access to web applications that require certificate authentication, please plan to renew your certificates on all desktop and mobile devices by July 30, 2024. This renewal process is not automatic, and there are some steps you will need to take to get new ones.

Step One: Before obtaining your certificates
  • If your password is over one year old, you will be prompted to change it during the certificate renewal process. For more information and tips on how to choose a strong password, please see: Strong Passwords
  • Note: if your Windows computer is on the MIT domain and you are not on campus, please refer to this article about changing your password to make sure you will be able to log into your computer with your new password. (You are on the MIT domain if you see "Sign in to: ATHENA.MIT.EDU" at the bottom of the Windows logon screen.)
Step Two: Obtaining your certificates
  • If you are on MacOS or Windows, update your web browser to the most current version, then download and run the latest version of the CertAid app from IS&T. Supported browsers include Safari, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox.

Please note: If you use multiple machines and browsers, you will need to obtain a new certificate for each browser on each machine. For more information, see: Certificates at MIT.

Step Three: Deleting your expired certificates
  • It is recommended that, after installing your new certificates, you delete your expired ones. Failure to do so may cause problems accessing certificate-protected sites. Running CertAid will prompt you to delete expired certificates if any are detected. We encourage the MIT community to use CertAid where possible.

Note for users who encrypt email: Do not delete an expired certificate if you have used it to sign or receive encrypted email. For more information on what to do in that case, see the Export or Back Up Your MIT Personal Certificates page.

If you have any questions or concerns, email the IS&T Service Desk at or call 617-253-1101.


Kyle Filipe
Senior Director, IT Support Services
MIT Information Systems & Technology (IS&T)

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Last Modified:

July 16, 2024

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