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Adding an Image to Your Drupal Cloud Page

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About Adding Images

To place an image on a page, it must be uploaded to your Drupal Cloud site. These images are not stored with any background images you may have uploaded. There are two basic steps to inserting an image into a page:

  1. Upload your image to your site
  2. Format and insert your image

It is best to edit and resize your image outside of Drupal in your favorite image editing program. This allows Drupal's responsive design feature to be more precise. You can upload an image to Drupal to determine an appropriate size before resizing.

Here are some things to consider about uploaded images:

  • maximum file size per upload: unlimited*
  • permitted file extensions: all
  • maximum image resolution: 1200x1200
  • maximum number of files per operation: unlimited
    (Source: Help icon in Image browser window)


When placing images on your page, be sure you are working in Full HTML text format. See Text Formats in Adding Text to a Drupal Cloud Page accessible from the Drupal Cloud Home Page.

Uploading an Image

  1. From the Format Toolbar click the Image icon. The Image Properties window will open.
    image icon on toolbar

  2. Click Browse Server to locate an image on your computer.
    click browse server button

  3. You are now at the Browse Server window.
    browse server window

    1. From here you can:
      1. Upload new images
      2. Delete unwanted images
      3. Select an image to insert into the document

  4. Click the Images folder so it becomes selected, then click Upload to locate an image on your computer. Navigate to your image file’s location on your computer, select the file, then click Open.
    click upload images

  5. When your filename is visible next to the Choose File button, click Upload. You can opt to create up to three thumbnails of different sizes in this same step.
    click upload

  6. Now select your image from the right panel and click Insert file.
    insert your file

Adding an Image from the Web

You also have the option to simply point to an image of it's already on the web.

  1. Click the Image icon on the toolbar.
  2. In the Image Properties window enter the url instead of browsing for an image.
    add image url

  3. Click the Image info tab to format your image.

Formatting Your Image

At this point you will return to the Image Properties window. From here you can see a preview of you image in relation to other content.

  1. You can add a border, add horizontal or vertical space around your image or set the image alignment. Since your image has been pre-sized there should be no need to adjust the height or width. To be sure the actual image size is being used, delete any height or width values in the boxes or click the revert icon.
    format image

  2. Click the Advanced tab if you want to add additional CSS style information for this image.
  3. Click OK whenever you’re ready. The image will be placed into your document body.
  4. Be sure to click Save before closing your edit screen.

MIT has set a restriction of 12MB maximum size for file upload.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 07, 2020

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