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Q: How do I disable or delete my Request Tracker queue?

  • How do I disable my Request Tracker queue?
  • How do I delete an RT queue?



  • Send a request to RT administrators at to disable your RT queue; make sure to include the name of your RT queue, and what should be done with any open tickets remaining in your queue

As a queue administrator, you can also disable the queue yourself, but it is a multi-step process and you need to be careful not to remove your permissions as a queue admin before disabling the queue.

Disabling vs. Deleting

RT queues are disabled, not deleted. They can be re-enabled if necessary. Re-enabling a queue is similar to creating it, but old tickets and queue settings will be maintained.

See also

  • [hd:What are the exact steps to disable a Request Tracker queue?]

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 13, 2012

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