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Q: Why does Debathena say "Your AFS client does not seem to be working"?


If you got the message

Your AFS client does not seem to be working.


aklog: unable to obtain tokens for cell (status: 11862788)

when you run renew or aklog, or you get an error like

Starting AFS services:
AFS module /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/fs/openafs.o does not exist.
Not starting AFS.  Please consider building kernel modules using
instructions in /usr/share/doc/openafs-client/README.modules

when your computer boots after a kernel update or when debathena-afs-config is installing, you are probably missing OpenAFS modules for your kernel. (Missing OpenAFS modules is the most common problem, although AFS might fail to restart for other reasons, like that it is in use, or /var/cache/openafs is not on an ext2 or ext3 filesystem.)

To fix this problem, view one of the answers below, depending on whether you are running your distribution's kernel, or a custom kernel:

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 06, 2009

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