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How can I set a root password for my Debathena workstation?

Generally, you will not need to set a root password on your Debathena workstation. You should be able to gain root access via the sudo command instead, which allows you to run commands as though you were root. In order to get a root shell, you may run sudo -i.

However, there may be times when you need to set a root password. In that case, follow the instructions here:

  1. Log in to your workstation with an account that has administrative privileges (i.e., the account is a member of the admin or sudo group). The account you created when you first installed Ubuntu is such an account.
  2. At a terminal prompt, type sudo passwd root. This will first prompt you for your own password, like so:
    [sudo] password for joeuser:

    Enter the password you used to log into your machine.

  3. Then you will be prompted to select the new root password for the machine:
    Enter new UNIX password:
    Retype new UNIX password:
  4. Once set, you can use the root password to login as root or use the "su" command.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

September 03, 2014

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