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Q: How do I give someone access to my RT queue?

  • How do I give someone access to my Request Tracker (RT) queue?
  • How do I add someone to an RT group?
  • How do I find out what groups have access to my RT queue?


  • Request Tracker (RT) on
  • Queue administrators



Access to Request Tracker (RT) queues is controlled through Moira groups. Membership of those groups is managed through the standard Moira web interface or Moira command line utilities. Most queues have been set up with two groups, one with queue administrator access and one with staff access. The queue administrator role can change a queue's settings and behavior. The staff role can work on tickets in the queue.

Caveats: as with all things in RT, these settings are highly customizable by queue administrators on a per queue basis. Some queues may not follow this model and may have adopted their own conventions. Some queues may still use legacy RT groups. See the Legacy Information section for more information on legacy groups.

The Standard Setup

  • Queue administrators can access their queue's configuration through the Tools > Configuration > Queues menu in RT
  • Queues are set up with a Moira group that has administrator level access to the queue; by convention, this group is often called name-admin
  • Queues are set up with a Moira group that has staff level access to the queue; by convention, this group is often called name-staff
  • Group membership is controlled through Moira, and membership is synchronized nightly from Moira to RT
  • To give someone administrator access to a queue, administrators add the individual to the name-admin Moira group
  • To give someone staff access to a queue, administrators add the individual to the name-staff Moira group

The Details

Find out what the staff and administrator groups for your RT queue are

  1. Log into RT at
  2. Navigate to the Tools > Configuration > Queues menu and click on Select
  3. Find your queue in the list of queues and click on the queue name
  4. Navigate to the Group Rights tab on your queue's administrator screen

On your queue's Group Rights screen you'll see a list of User Groups in the left-hand sidebar. If you click on one of those group names, the panels on the right side of the screen will update with the permissions/rights enabled for the selected group.

Your staff group will have most or all rights on the staff panel checked, in addition to rights on the general panel. Your administrator group will have most or all rights on the administor panel checked, along with rights on the other two.

You may see additional groups in the list, or you may see fewer. Some queue administrators grant additional groups various rights, for example to manage auditors, read-only access, or other queue specific roles. Some queue administrators only have a single group with administrative and staff access because there are very few people working in the queue.

Once you've looked up what groups have access to your queue, you may want to make a note of them so you don't have to repeat this process every time.

Managing users on the staff and admin group

  1. Navigate to the Moira web interface (this is the general group membership management interface used at MIT – it is not part of RT)
  2. Look up your desired group and add or remove members from it as needed
  3. Wait for RT's nightly sync with Moira; the RT group membership will update to reflect the Moira membership

You may have permission to add users to groups directly in RT. Note that while you can do this, for most groups your changes will be overwritten in the nightly sync unless you also add them to the Moira group by the same name.

Legacy Information

Moira integration was added to RT with the release of version 4. In some cases it was not possible to automatically transition a queue's administrator or staff groups to Moira equivalents. For example, in some cases a name used locally in the earlier release of RT conflicted with a pre-existing Moira group already used for different purposes. In those cases, legacy groups exist in RT and a) membership needs to be maintained locally in RT or b) staff and administrator groups need to be manually transitioned to Moira groups (this is the preferred solution); contact for assistance migrating your queue to use Moira groups.

You can easily identify legacy groups by their names. They will follow the naming convention oldrt-name.

See also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 06, 2014

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