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What is the OldFiles directory?

The directory "OldFiles" is actually a mountpoint for a recent backup ("clone") version of your locker. It is read-only, so you will not be able to change files in it. However, if you accidentally remove a file from your locker, you may be able to copy an older version out of OldFiles. The space taken up by this clone does not count towards your quota.

If you do not want the OldFiles mountpoint to be listed in your directory, you can remove it with the following command:

	fs rmm OldFiles

You can put it back again at any time using the command

	fs mkm OldFiles user.${USER}.backup

The example above assumes you are restoring the mountpoint for your home directory. For other types of lockers, you will need to figure out what the underlying volume name is, and mount that:

> cd /mit/myactivity
> fs lq .
Volume Name                    Quota       Used   %Used   Partition
activity.myactivity            2000000     27656     1%         86%  

The name activity.myactivity is the name of the volume we're in, and by convention, the backup volume will be named activity.myactivity.backup.

fs mkm OldFiles activity.myactivity.backup

Your files will be automatically backed up to disk every night (approximate 2:00am). If you accidentally deleted a file from your account, you should be able to recover the previous day's copy from your OldFiles directory.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 13, 2014

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