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Q: How can I get a new copy of my dotfiles?


There are two kinds of dotfiles: The system-wide dotfiles that came with your account, and user-created dotfiles. If you're experiencing a problem logging in to Athena, the problem could be caused by either category of dotfiles.

System-wide dotfiles

You can obtain a new copy of the system-wide dotfiles from /usr/prototype_user. If you know which one you need (see below), you can copy it individually. Alternatively, you can restore all of the system-wide dotfiles with this command:

joeuser@athena:~$ cp /usr/prototype_user/.??* ~


With the exception of ".logout" and ".mh_profile", you should never change or alter any of these files. Your login sequence can be customized using other means. For more information see Dotfiles on Athena.

These are the files you can obtain from the /usr/prototype_user directory:

File Purpose
.bash_login Commands run at login time for terminal-mode (e.g. ssh) sessions (Bash users)
.bashrc Commands run with each new shell (Bash users)
.cshrc Commands run with each new shell (tcsh users)
.login Commands run at login time for terminal-mode (e.g. ssh) sessions (tcsh users)
.logout Commands run at logout time for all users
.mh_profile mail handler (MH) configuration file

User-created dotfiles

The following dotfiles also control your login sequence, however they do not exist by default in new accounts. If you got a new copy of the system dotfiles (see above) and you're still having problems, try deleting or renaming these files:

File Purpose
.bashrc.mine Commands run with each new shell (Bash users)
.cshrc.mine Commands run with each new shell (tcsh users)
.environment Commands run once per login session (tcsh users)
.bash_environment Commands run once per login session (Bash users)
.startup.tty Commands run only in tty (e.g. ssh) sessions
.startup.X Commands run only in graphical sessions (e.g. sitting at a workstation)
.xsession Provides you with an alternative X session. The use of this file is not encouraged except by very advanced users.
.dmrc Controls your session type on Debathena; can cause problems if you migrate from very old versions of Debathena

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 21, 2014

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  1. Aug 29, 2014

    I was curious about the process for populating new user home directories (including copying in the system-wide dotfiles) and researched it a bit with bbaren of the SIPB. It is actually done by Some items (primarily the ones with special AFS permissions) are hard-coded there, while others are copied from /moira/dotfiles on the Moira server. We're not sure exactly what's in /moira/dotfiles: we have no way to access it directly and could not confirm that it is a mirror of some other source. It can't simply be a mirror of /usr/prototype_user, because that wouldn't explain where ~/index.html (the dummy file that prevents from being listed) comes from. Researching this part further is left as an exercise for the interested reader.

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