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Q: Why do icon colors and design appear different in SAPgui 7.70 for Windows and SAPgui 7.80 for Mac in comparison to SAPgui 7.40 for Windows and Mac?


  • Example 1
    Selection icons in transaction ZDTR in SAPgui 7.40 appear brighter, with contrasting green and gold elements.
    Red arrows point to examples of these icons below.

Selection icons in transaction ZDTR in SAPgui 7.70 for Windows and SAPgui 7.80 for Mac are less vibrant, lacking the deep green tone to contrast with the gold arrows.
Red arrows point to examples of these icons below.

  • Example 2
    The SAP Logon icon in SAPgui 7.40

Has been replaced by a brighter, more geometric SAP Logon icon in SAPgui 7.70 patch 4 for Windows and SAPgui 7.80 for Mac.


  • Icon design and color changes in transactions and the SAP Logon Pad icon in SAPgui 7.70 for Windows and SAPgui 7.80 for Mac are changes only to the look and feel of the application, and do not reflect any differences in functionality from the previous version.
  • There is a separate known issue some users who install SAPgui 7.70 for Windows or SAPgui 7.80 for Mac using the MIT Software Center may experience in which SAPgui may default to the 'Quartz' theme, which has a significantly different appearance from the standard SAPgui theme at MIT. This issue and the solution are described in the article below.

Q: Why does the user interface in SAPgui 7.70 for Windows and SAPgui 7.80 for Mac appear significantly different from the previous version?

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 07, 2023

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