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How do I find out who the administrators and owners are of a Slack Workspace?

  1. Click on the name of the channel at the top-right.

  2. Click on Learn more
    Result: Your web browser will open and you may be prompted to authenticate. If so, do so. Then you will be taken to the "About this Workspace" page.
  3. Click on the "Admins and Owners" tab.
    Result: A list of administrators and owners of the workspace will be displayed.

    slkowner or Slack Grid-Owner are used by IS&T administrators to create workspaces and manage the MIT Slack Enterprise Grid. They will not view your private information, and should not be contacted directly for assistance with administrative tasks. Contact another administrator of the workspace if you need assistance with an administrative task. For help using Slack, you can also contact the IS&T Service Desk.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 07, 2021

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