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How do I obtain more MIT Dropbox storage space?


IS&T offers the following plans for MIT Dropbox storage:

Plan Space
10 TB Faculty and 500 GB All others
Free (the default for MIT Dropbox)

1 TB
$500/year with a 1 year commitment
5 TB
$2,500/year with a 1 year commitment
10 TB
$5,000/year with a 1 year commitment

Signing up

The default 500GB plan is included with your MIT Dropbox account. Simply sign up for MIT Dropbox to obtain 500GB of MIT Dropbox storage space.

If you need more space

Small adjustments

Small discretionary adjustments (100-200 GB or less) to personal quota may be possible for MIT projects, teaching, or research use. To request an adjustment, please draft a short justification explaining how the space will be used and for how long you would need it, and send your request to the IS&T Service Desk.

Large adjustments

The rates associated with the plans above are a pass-through of Dropbox's enterprise rates for larger storage plans. The plans are based on Dropbox's requirement that enterprise customers buy storage in large "storage packs".

If you need more space and would like to purchase a larger storage plan for a Dropbox account, please contact the IS&T Service Desk with the following information:

  • The preferred plan size (1, 5, or 10 terabytes)
  • The name of the Dropbox user account requesting the plan
  • The MIT Cost Object to charge (the person submitting the request should be authorized to spend on this cost object)

If you think you will need more than 10 TB for your group or project, please contact the IS&T Service Desk with details and someone will respond to discuss options and work with you on a solution.

See also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 21, 2024

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